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Showing posts from May 31, 2011

Ngerasa sempurna sampe - sampe lo ribut ngurusin masalah gue?

To the point aja, ga usah pake basa basi. First thing first, joke kampungan lo tentang cara gue berbicara kedua, mulut lo yang gabisa di jaga... ketiga, lo sibuk ngurusin hidup gue. Yang notabene bukan siapa - siapa lo. Here's my comment  So firstly, tentang pemakaian bahasa gue yang lo anggep bisa lo mengerti, heloooo miss....belum ngerti juga ya, atau memang elo itu bodoh. Coba dong, lo instropeksi diri, gue tinggal di kota metropolitan, high class, it's about charming, wajar dong gue pake bahasa sehari - sehari gue and without your fucking words dengan komentar elo yang ga penting bagi gue dengan bahasa daerah lo yang aneh dan norrrrrrrak buanget. ga usah sok deh ah, ngurusin banget sih lo, gue aja woles aja ngeliat tulisan dan bahasa lo yang aneh dan sumpah over alay detected. Dan kenyataannya, lo sendiri ngikutin cara berbahasa gue, admit it girl, you just my followers, right? ha ha, i know, thruths are hard to believe :-) secondly, taking the conclusion by your speach.

Judge me, you die

To the point aja ya, gue ga suka di judge sembarangan sama orang yang ga kenal atau cuma kenal nama aja. Girl, you don't even know me. How on the earth you could judge me in that way? Kalopun cuma ngejudge dan lo keep it by yourself sih gapapa. Tapi kalo lo ngelihat sesuatu tentang gue lalu lo menyimpulkan dan lo menyebarkan hal itu padahal ternyata kesimpulan lo salah... Emangnya lo ga malu? Bikin dosa pula. I told you before, we are only human. We're not God neither judges. We don't judge people. Lo gatau siapa gue sebenernya, lo gatau siapa temen-temen gue, lo gatau siapa keluarga gue, lo gatau gimana caranya gue main sama temen-temen gue, pokoknya lo gatau segalanya tentang gue hanya karena lo mengenal nama gue. Jadi jangan pernah nyoba-nyoba sekali aja nge-judge gue cuma by my name dan physically. Here I tell you, I don't give a shit sama semua yang lo omongin tentang gue right behind my back. Tapi kalo lo udah mulai menjurus sama harga diri gue


When I turned into the last page, I thought this is where the story end. But no, the story doesn't even have an ending yet, neither happy nor sad ending. Ambiguous. The girl still standing upright looking straight ahead to the forked roads with no lights. She doesn't want to turn back, because the road that she had passed before is just too horrible but yet she doesn't want to choose one of the road too. I closed the book and buy the second volume. Wishing I could know the end of this story. And I'm starting to read...