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Showing posts from June 2, 2011

Student Guide

USA Student Guide Geography and climate The United States is the world’s third or fourth largest nation by total area. The continental United States stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and from Canada to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. Alaska is the largest state in area. Separated by Canada, it touches the Pacific and Arctic Oceans. Hawaii occupies an archipelago in the Pacific, southwest of North America. Because of the United States' large size and wide range of geographic features, nearly every type of climate is represented. The climate is temperate in most areas, tropical in Hawaii and southern Florida, polar in Alaska, semiarid in the Great Plains west of the meridian, desert in the Southwest, Mediterranean in coastal California, and arid in the Great Basin. Extreme weather is not uncommon—the states bordering the Gulf of Mexico are prone to hurricanes and most of the world's tornadoes occur within the continental United States. However, t

Student Guide

Australia Student Guide Time and Weather Australian Time Zone Australia spans three time zones, but the ACT, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania also operate daylight saving which usually begins from the last weekend in October and runs to the first weekend in April. South Australia: GMT + 9.5 (GMT + 10.5 from first Sunday in October to first Sunday in April). Tasmania: GMT + 10 (GMT + 11 from first Sunday in October to first Sunday in April). Queensland: GMT + 10 (no daylight saving). Victoria: GMT + 10 (GMT + 11 from first Sunday in October to first Sunday in April). New South Wales: GMT + 10 (GMT + 11 from first Sunday in October to first Sunday in April) Australian Capital Territory: GMT + 10 (GMT + 11 from first Sunday in October to first Sunday in April). Western Australia: GMT + 8 (Western Australia rejected daylight saving in its fourth referendum on the issue in 2009). Northern Territory: GMT + 9.5 hours (no daylight saving). Australian Weather

Scolarship information! :))

hola blogwalks.... kepengen banget bisa kuliah ke luar negeri :) i wish that someday, tapi tahun kemaren gue ngikut program beasiswa dari pusat study pemerintah jepang, 100% beasiswa, mulai dari visa, pasport, biaya kuliah, biaya hidup juga dapet. So excited banget, padahal sebelumnya engga dapet izin dari orang tua, katanya kejauhan kuliahnya...tapi gue ga pantang nyerah, tahun kemaren gue ikut lagi program beasiswa, akhirnya papa ngasih izin buat daftar, di anterin pula sama papa ke kedutaan Jepang di Mh. Thamrin jaksel. horeee seneng banget pas sampe di dalem haha agak grogi juga pas mau daftar :D persyaratannya udah lengkap sih sebenernya, nilai raport gue juga bagus pas di semester 1, tapi pas di semester 2 nilai fisika gue 7.00. Sayang sekali nilai gue agak ngedrop pas di semester 2, pas di hitung rata'', nyesek banget cuma kurang 0, 25....masya allah, sedih banget. padahal Jepang di depan mata T__T aaaa Papa ga ikut gue masuk pas regristrasi :(, pas papa nanya hasilnya